
Make an Appointment


We now have 2 clinics located in

 Chapel Allerton and Adel

Please ensure the location is right for you before booking

 By default the system will ask when your available from and the type of appointment you are looking for, when you click "see our availability", it will then display all available appointments at any clinic.

If you wish to only see appointments at your preferred clinic or podiatrist you can either:

  1. On a PC or tablet use the filters on the left side of the screen;
  2. On a mobile phone click the 2 chevrons at the top left side of the screen to open the filters screen;

If viewing all available appointments click "More Info" within any appointment to see the podiatrist details, clinic and directions to ensure you are happy before you book.

You will need to validate your identity by either e-mail or text in order to use this service.

After you make a booking the system will automatically send you confirmation of your appointment including the address of the clinic you chose and will send you 2 reminders, the first is 7 days before and the last is 24 hours before your appointment.

If you wish to discuss anything about our treatment options you can call us on the number below or send us a message on the contact us page.

Click to Make an Appointment
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