Swift Microwave Therapy for Verruca treatment / Verruca Removal is now available at the Foot Clinic Leeds. Swift is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licensed for general treatment of Verruca's in Podiatry. Swift uses microwave energy which is applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.
Speak to us today for more information on verruca treatment & verruca removal options
Simple, Effective, Swift
8/10 verruca patients resolve with Swift Microwave Therapy*
Quick & Precise
With treatment times in seconds, Swift provides a precise and easy way of treating verruca's
Cutting Edge Technology
There is no 100% guaranteed solution but Swift Microwave technology is the most recent technology available for the treatment of verruca's
No discomfort post treatment
Once complete there is virtually no discomfort unlike other treatments. No skin damage, No after pain and No skin coverings required
* As reported in the Swift Post Market Surveillance, which includes over 9500 verruca patients
Q. How much does Swift verruca treatment cost?
A. For children 16 and under we recommend only purchasing 1 treatment which costs £128, in most cases after 4 weeks the verruca treatment has been successful and no further treatment is required. If required additional treatments can be purchased at £128 each, we only recommend 3 treatments maximum which takes 12 weeks to complete.
For adults over 16 we recommend purchasing 3 treatments for the discounted price of £360 as typically at least 3 - 4 treatments would be required for this age group. This cost includes the initial "Verruca Assessment / Treatment cost".
Q. How long does Swift verruca treatment take?
A. The first treatment can be provided during your first appointment and then you must wait 4 weeks between treatments.
Q. Can you treat more than one Verruca at the same time
A. Yes, we can treat several on both feet during the appointment, for large clusters we would apply the treatment in several locations. Each application lasts 2 seconds and is repeated several times during the same appointment. As treatment stimulates an immune response, treating 1 verruca also causes the bodies immune system to naturally fight the HPV (human papillomavirus).
Q. Is Swift verruca treatment guaranteed to remove my Verruca?
A. No, there is no treatment that offers a 100% guarantee but statistically Swift has the highest proven success rate.
Q. Is Swift verruca treatment suitable for everyone?
A. No, during your initial appointment the podiatrist will establish if Swift is suitable. With all treatments we must assess the individual patients suitability taking into account many factors including for example the patients medication. We are also unable to use Swift if you have been using any over the counter remedies and your feet are visibly still recovering from the alternative home treatment. In this scenario we would suggest booking your appointment at a later date to ensure the treatment we provide has the best possible chance of succeeding.
Q. Can I have a local anesthetic prior to having the Swift treatment?
A. We have to follow strict protocols when providing Swift which does not include the use of a local anesthetic.
For more information please view the additional videos below and hear from some previous Swift patients.
Last routine appointment time is usually 4:20pm Mon - Fri
All Rights Reserved | S&D Podiatry Ltd trading as The Foot Clinic Leeds